Enjoy my selection of handcrafted historical ladies accessories
Holly Sheen
I have been a history buff as far back as I can remember. In 2003, the opportunity finally arose to begin reenacting and I have enjoyed the ‘hands-on’ history even more. The eras I have researched and participated in are the American War for Independence, the War of 1812, the Regency era, the War Between the States, and World War II.
My online shop, Southern Serendipity, features accessories for ladies who do historical impressions. I also blog about the same general historical topics. I am the admin for several ladies reenacting groups—the American War for Independence era (Revolutionary War Ladies Bazaar), the Regency era (Regency Ladies Bazaar), and War Between the States era (Civil War Ladies Bazaar). I also co-admin another website of ‘how-to’ resources for 1860s ladies, Civil War Dress for Ladies.
My favorite era to research is the mid-1800s, and I am a serious collector of mid-Victorian antiques. My collections include clothing, jewelry, books, furniture, and home décor. I will often use originals as my inspiration when creating accessories for my shop.
I have contributed a number of articles over the years to history/reenacting publications such as The Citizen’s Companion and The Homefront Herald. I have also lectured for several years at a local university on the topic of clothing and accessories of the 1860s.
My family and I are involved in historical dance as well, and we love passing on this old-fashioned pastime. Besides teaching English Country Dance classes, we host a formal mid-Victorian ball annually, the Olde South Ball, and an 1860s Christmas soiree that includes dancing and caroling.
I hope you enjoy browsing my blog and my shop. Thank you for stopping by!
Greenville, SC